

First things first. Before I start blogging, everyone needs to know what I look like. *laughs*

I took this picture at the Otakon anime convention in Baltimore this summer. It's a good way to preserve the memories.

The girls on either side of me are dressed as "Persocoms" from a manga called "Chobits."

I think this is my favorite picture of myself on record.

4 件のコメント:

Kappa さんのコメント...

はじめまして、Basque-さん。わたしは Jess です。どぞよろしくおねがいしまう。どおぞよろしくおねがいします。

Glad to hear that you made it into にほんごいちねんせえ。We were wondering what had happened to you when you didn't show up at ごぜんきゅうじです。

しつもんがあります。Are you going to any other cons this year, or are you strictly an Otakon person?

Good luck!

Vivien Shum さんのコメント...

thank you very much for ur special kudos~ add oil & gd luck on ur studies~

ローラ・リン さんのコメント...
ローラ・リン さんのコメント...

Hey!! It's Chi! And I was just talking about ちょびっツ the other day! Anime conventions seem like so much fun...I definitely want to go to one sometime.

PS: They're really famous Chi girls that I was talking about: [link]